Doodling the Doodlers

I recently spent a great afternoon at Brighton Festival’s Doodlefest – letting myself doodle, just drawing the other drawers and allowing my mind to wander with no particular purpose. The day was sunny, the rooms rammed but surprisingly calm and I really had the best time. All the doodled postcards were posted onto a wall and then auctioned off at the end. The Doodle Marathon (which is now an international phenomenen) finished well into the morning of the next day with live music and obviously beer!

A few days later I was tweeted by Doodlers Anonymous and we had a discussion about the benefits of doodling – it’s proven you retain things better, collaborate better and is brilliant for brainstorming, not to mention how much relaxation it provides. I think I’m going to try to use doodling more as a work tool and see how it effects my art and creativity.

Doodlers Anonymous also wrote a great article about me which you can read here.

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